Natural Birthing
What is Natural Birth?
Natural birth is a profound and transformative experience that honours a woman's body's innate strength and capabilities. It is a deeply personal choice that allows women to embrace the miracle of childbirth without unnecessary medical interventions. By trusting their bodies and tapping into their inner power, women who opt for natural birth create a harmonious and empowering environment aligned with nature's design. Through relaxation, breathing techniques, movement, and supportive positions, they navigate the waves of labour, guided by their own instincts and intuition. Natural birth is a celebration of the unique journey each woman embarks upon, fostering a deep connection with her body, her baby, and the miraculous forces of life itself.

Benefits of Natural Birthing
Increased freedom of movement during labour
Faster labour and delivery
Easier breastfeeding initiation for the baby
Quicker recovery for the mother
Lower risk of medical interventions
Potential for a safer birth experience for the baby
Stimulates feelings of connection and empowerment
Avoidance of potential side effects from pain medication
Enhanced alertness and involvement during the birthing process
Potential for a rush of endorphins to help manage pain
Is Natural Birth Right for You?
To determine if natural birth is right for you, discussing your options with your healthcare practitioner is important. You may be a good candidate for unmedicated delivery if:
You are expecting one baby
You are considered full-term (37 weeks or more)
You have no chronic health problems or pregnancy complications
However, there are situations where natural birth may not be recommended:
Expecting multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)
Preterm labour (less than 37 weeks)
Being overweight or gaining excessive weight during pregnancy
Experiencing pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia
Testing positive as a group B strep carrier (requiring IV antibiotics during labour)
Having diabetes or gestational diabetes (may need IV and insulin drip)
Having a baby in breech position (may need a C-section for safety)
Remember, your healthcare practitioner can provide personalised guidance based on your circumstances to help you make an informed decision.
Tips to Prepare for Natural Birth
Understand your motivations and desires for a natural birth.
Attend a comprehensive childbirth education class.
Create a birth plan that outlines your preferences for a realistic birth experience.
Choose a healthcare provider who supports and encourages natural birth.
Practice relaxation techniques and coping mechanisms for managing pain during labour.
Stay mobile and try different positions to help with labour progression.
Utilise water, such as showers or baths, for pain relief during labour.

1. Can I have a natural birth if I have had a previous caesarean section (C-section)?
A. It is possible to have a natural birth after a previous C-section, but it depends on various factors. Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) is an option for some women who meet specific criteria, including having a low transverse uterine incision from their previous C-section and being deemed a suitable candidate by their healthcare provider. It is essential to discuss your individual circumstances with your healthcare provider to determine if VBAC is a safe and viable option for you.
2. Is natural birth more painful compared to a medicated birth?
A. Pain perception varies among individuals, and what may be tolerable for one person may be more challenging for another. While natural birth involves experiencing the full sensations of labour, it is important to remember that the body is designed to handle the process. Many women find that natural birth can be intense but manageable through the use of coping techniques, support from their birthing team, and the knowledge that they are actively participating in the birth experience.
3. Are there any risks associated with natural birth?
A. Natural birth, when undertaken in a suitable and supported environment, is generally considered safe for low-risk pregnancies. However, it is important to recognise that birth is a dynamic and individualised process, and unforeseen complications can arise. It is crucial to have access to appropriate medical support, continuous monitoring, and the expertise of healthcare professionals who can respond swiftly and effectively should the need arise.
4. Will I have access to pain relief options if I choose a natural birth at Polaris Healthcare?
A. While natural birth emphasises minimal medical intervention, Polaris Healthcare respects your preferences and offers a range of pain relief options that align with your desire for a natural birth. Our experienced healthcare providers will discuss various techniques, such as breathing techniques, massage, and other options, to help you manage discomfort during labour.
5. What post-birth support does Polaris Healthcare provide for mothers who have chosen natural birth?
A. Polaris Healthcare offers comprehensive post-birth support to ensure a smooth recovery and transition into motherhood. Our team of healthcare professionals will provide guidance on breastfeeding, postpartum care, emotional well-being, and newborn care. We are committed to supporting you throughout your natural birthing journey and beyond.